AusDevs Wiki

Arcades Guide

The data on this page is crowdsourced and may be out of date.

Each venue below has different pricing tiers. The pricing tiers chosen for this page represent typically-purchased tiers. There may be better-value tiers available at these venues though, so look into those yourself if you're looking to spend big.


Last UpdatedVenueReal CostProvided Credit ValueComment
2024-02-19Timezone$60.00$120.00This pricing is only available during "double dollar" promotions.
2024-02-19Koko Amusement$100.00$160.00
2024-02-19Fortress Sydney$100.00$150.00

Koko also offers $200 for $340 of credit, which is about 6% cheaper than $100 for $160 of credit.


All pricing assumes you're using at least a Blue Elite card.

Last UpdatedCabinetPlayCredit Per PlayCredit Per UnitReal Cost Per Unit
2024-02-19Point Blank X (Gun Bullet X)5 lives$2.40$0.48 per life$0.240 per life
2024-02-19Taiko no Tatsujin2 songs$2.80$1.40 per song$0.700 per song

[2024-02-19] simshadows says: Timezone's Taiko machines tend to feel very insensitive, meaning you have to hit harder to register a hit. It's fine for casual play, but it tires you out faster if you play harder difficulties.

Koko Amusement

All pricing assumes you're using a VIP card.

Last UpdatedCabinetPlayCredit Per PlayCredit Per UnitReal Cost Per Unit
2024-02-19Taiko no Tatsujin2 songs$2.40$1.20 per song$0.750 per song

[2024-02-19] simshadows says: Some of the Koko 614 George St. venue's Taiko machines feel very sensitive, which is really good!

Fortress Sydney

Last UpdatedCabinetPlayCredit Per PlayCredit Per UnitReal Cost Per Unit
2024-02-19Taiko no Tatsujin2 songs$2.50$1.25 per song$0.833 per song

[2024-02-19] simshadows says: The Fortress Taiko machines I tried feel very sensitive, which is really good!

Other Locations

We don't have any data on other places yet. If you find anything, let us know or send a pull request!